Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hope all of you mothers out there had a nice Mother's Day, we were blessed to have my family come over to see us at Zach's house in Oxford for a nice visit.

John is feeling about the same, but seems to have more of those bad days than good lately. They replaced his picc line last week, and that went very smoothly which was great. So far it is working well, and we haven't had any alarms from his pump which has also been great. We go back to the doctor on Wednesday this week, so maybe there will be a plan.

Things are a bit crazy with schedules lately, I will have to go in to work more since it is the end of the school year soon and there is a lot to do, Nicole is getting ready to go to Kenya for a couple of weeks and then will be gone all summer traveling with the Daraja African Children's Choir, and Trevor is getting ready for a 5 week debate camp in Michigan this summer. So, we want to thank all of you who are volunteering to sit with John and help keep an eye on him while I am trying to take care of the other things. Josh, Zach and Jen have all been great about helping out and putting up with us and our stuff everywhere.

I'll be better about posting if information changes. We haven't had to go to the emergency room for several weeks now, so that is always good news, but we sure do wish this whole thing could get moving along. John has been unbelievably patient and good natured about all of this, I would have been so mean by now that I can't even imagine it. So until the next time, keep those prayers coming and I'll keep you informed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Missy thanks for the update...and happy belate Mother's Day...will try to be here on Wednesday PS let John Know we miss him

