Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, Sept 1

We now have appointments set up to see the surgeon, the transplant coordinator, the financial folks (that one's always a bit of a shocker), and the social worker, all for tomorrow throughout the day. It is a lot of coordination for folks with very busy schedules, but we are ready to get John's listing status changed from Emory to Duke after all of those meetings. We have been told that it is simply a form that gets filled out, so after all of the appointments maybe that part won't take very long.

We will get more of his IV medicine shipped here today; since there is a Coram office here in NC that transfer went very smoothly. Also, we are supposed to see a home health nurse today to get his picc line dressing changed out which is due today.

We've even gotten a call from John's Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance folks to check on him, and see if they can help in any way. I must say they have been great through all of this so far, very helpful and supportive.

All in all things are falling into place, and the process is moving along. We've already driven from here to the hospital so we know the best way to get there, and probably later on this afternoon we will figure out some other ways to get there, just in case one way is backed up or blocked. So we are trying to do everything on our end to be ready, then all we have to do is wait. That is certainly not easy to do, but John has gotten pretty good at it now. The fact that we stand a much better shot at getting this done sooner now rather than later (although we don't really know when it will be, it is great knowing it is a much better time frame) makes the waiting a bit easier.

Thanks again, and keep us in your prayers! All of you who are helping out in so many ways, and those of you who are supporting us through good wishes and prayers, are what keeps us sane.


  1. I know you are glad to get all the appointments on the calendar. It will be a busy, but productive day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys. Let us know if there is anything we can do!

    Love Mike, Amy and Garrett

  2. Please call on Megan and Aaron if you need anything or just need to see a friendly face. Good Luck, John and Missy.
    Shelly Barber
