Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I've pretty much stopped posting anything because things have, for the most part, been rolling along. I went through 1 year a couple of weeks ago with very good test results. No rejection, no virises, etc. The X-ray showed something, but I had a CAT scan done last week at Newton Hospital and that didn'show anything at all. I'm going to attempt to run the half marathon tomorrow morning in Atlanta. Nicole's running too. She'll finish just fine and I'm really going to be proud of her because she's worked hard at it. I don't really think I'm going to finish since the longest I've run is 8 miles once, but I'm going to try. This time last year we were still in Durham and had just started to take pills for what turns out to be the only incidence of rejection I've had. I couldn't stand up by myself or walk far without my walker. I have an almost infinite number or things and people to be thankful for. I get to get up every morning, come to work, do pretty much anything I want to, go run every day and all of that. I get to be married to the best woman on earth and be around the best 4 kids that have ever lived. Plus the world's only grandson. This list could go on for awhile. Please say a prayer for the donor's family. I hope each and every person who reads this has a very safe and blessed Thanksgiving. John

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