Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday, March 23

Good morning, all. Had a bit of a rough night last night, John's blood pressure was pretty low, around 75/45 for much of the night. But he is feeling better this morning and they are tweaking medicines yet again to see if they can find that right balance. Between all of the nurses, doctors, xrays, medicines, bloodwork, and lots of "how are you feeling?" through the night, we didn't get a whole lot of sleep. Have already seen some doctors this morning, and we are waiting for the main crowd of them to come through any time now. Don't expect anything new, but we'll let you know.

Several folks have asked for the address here at the hospital, which is:

John Braden - Room G407
Emory University Hospital
1364 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30312


  1. A Blog: What a great idea Nicole! Praying for a better day and night! Keep your hope alive! You are both strong and can win this battle. Love ya, Suzette & Perry

  2. Thanks for the site, Nicole! Missy, John, Nicole & Trevor, we are keeping you in our prayers. We love you guys, Renee,David,Stephen & Sammy
