Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday, March 25

Things are going okay today, they gave John diuretics which often make him feel bad due to losing the fluid. Right now he is feeling a bit puny and they are drawing blood to do more tests. It is very difficult to get his levels right, since every change in medicine tends to have a pretty large impact and causes kind of a snowball effect. They try to find a balance between his heart function, his kidney function, and all of his blood levels being as close to "normal" as possible.

We appreciate the posts and John has enjoyed hearing your comments and good wishes.


  1. John,

    We are all praying for you and miss seeing you at church. Ransome wanted to come see you at Emory but we were told "no visitors" which is certainly understandable. You have been a huge influence on both Ransome's and Mary's lives and we are hoping others will benefit from your teaching and friendship soon. Get well! Love, The Sheets

  2. Nicole & Trevor: Thank you for setting this up!
    Missy: Is John able to take phone calls? We're all thinking about him.
