Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, April 17

We had a doctor's apppointment at Emory, and things are holding pretty steady for now. John's electrolyte levels are holding well, since he is taking so few diuretics at this time, so that is good. He still feels pretty lousy overall, but that may just be par for the course. Still very little appetite, but he's trying to eat even though he doesn't really feel too much like it. Still having trouble sleeping, but that seems to go along with everything else too. So, it seems to be status quo for now.

We go back in 2 weeks to the doctor for an update, and don't really expect things to change unless something drastic happens. We sure are still hoping to get that call that a heart is ready for him, and we will continue with that hope. Although the chances are low, as long as it is a viable chance I can hope for that.

We are enjoying getting to see grandson Wesley more, he is at a wonderfully entertaining age and keeps us all laughing along with him. So even though we can't be home there are good things going on, and we try to focus on those.

I know that many of you read this, and still keep us in your thoughts and prayers, so thanks again. Just because things are calm for the moment doesn't mean we don't need your prayers and good wishes, so please keep them coming our way.

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