Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday, October 30

Hey there, it's Friday morning. I'm not sure how John's night went since they won't let me stay back there with him overnight, and I can't go back there until 9 am this morning. Neither of us were too happy about that but I promised Iwouldn't make a scene. Since neither of us had gotten any sleep on Wednesday night I am hoping that he slept well.

He was very disappointed about the donor heart not being good enough, and so was I, but we are glad that the surgeon is so discerning that he didn't want to take the chance. In fact, the surgeon did say yesterday that nobody used the heart, there were just too many things that he was questioning about it and wasn't willing to use it. I do feel bad for the donor family, also, for their loss.

Yesterday they did go ahead and put another Swann catheter in John's jugular vein in his neck. The procedure is a bit painful and he was certainly uncomfortable through the evening. The pressures in his heart and lungs that they are measuring are still very low at this time, which is good for his health and if he gets a heart soon that is another factor that will help the new heart to work better. Having the Swann in does move John to 1A status, the highest listing level, so we hope that another heart will be his soon. The big downsides are the discomfort, chance of infection, and having to stay in ICU. They want to move him to the Cardiac ICU but it is full at the moment.

I will update when I can, it's been a rough couple of days but I think that every day we are closer to the transplant and it will all work out okay. Thanks again for the prayers.

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