Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hello everyone, this is Nicole. I figured I could post a quick update since I'm pretty sure mom and John are too busy at the moment. Tonight I got a phone call that a donor heart is available for John. Right now they are testing the donor heart but apparently it could be up to 12 hours until they know if it will work. Hopefully this is it! Please keep all those involved in your prayers: John, mom, the rest of the family, the doctors, and the family of the donor.

O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in time of distress.
Jeremiah 16:19

1 comment:

  1. Just got a text from Missy saying that the transplant is a no go. The doctor rejected the donor. However they are keeping dad in the hospital since his creatine levels were off. Well I guess it's back to waiting and praying.

