Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday, December 13

I guess it is a good thing that we have nothing major to report, thus no 3-times-a-day updates to the blog! John is doing great, in fact he is out walking AGAIN today. He walked 3 miles or so this morning, and is back out again. I think he is enjoying the alone time too, although he has been wonderfully patient through all of this I am sure he is pretty tired of having to depend on us for so many things. He is getting stronger every day, and is able to do more and more on his own. He has been really good about not picking up heavy things, and is really following what the doctors have said to do. I am sure I would be much grouchier if it was me.

We go back to Duke this week for more biopsies, and also for a left and a right heart cath. All of these tests measure rejection, and how the heart is functioning, and how his body is adjusting to the new heart and all of the medicines. It takes a few days to get results so we will be gone for a few days but should be able to get right back home after that.

We were able to go to church this morning at Covington First United Methodist Church. It felt so good to be back there, I can't even begin to describe how much we missed it. We will try to attend Monticello Baptist Church next week. All of the folks at both churches have been wonderful, and so supportive. We mostly can't wait until we can start back to doing for others and we can quit being so needy. I have told folks over and over again that we couldn't have gotten through all of this without the support shown by our churches, community, workplace friends, and of course family, and we love you all and appreciate it.

We'll update when we get the test results.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that things are going so smoothly that you're too busy to blog. That's a GOOD thing! It will only be a matter of time before John is running again. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Much love to you both,
    Jo Ellen
