Friday, November 20, 2009

11/20/09 afternoon

I need to say something about the Duke Medical Center. Never, could they have been nicer, more accomodating, knowledgable, and just plain good at what they do. I bet I've had no less than 25 of the very best heart doctors on earth who each took a personal interest in my case especially after things headed south. Doctors would come in after being in surgery for 12 hours just to check. We were never mislead, misinformed, or mis anything else. The nurses were all really good. Some were about as close to angels as people get on earth. None of them have figured out exactly what happened, but they did as good job as possible trying to fix it. So far the only downside to all of this is we forgot to ask about making out. One of us has turned into a germaphobe and wants the doctor to tell us this is ok. The other of us is looking forward to it. John


  1. I am so happy for you!
    Shelly Barber

  2. John...good to hear the good reports. Keep them coming. We are still praying for you and the family. Hurry back to Covington FUMC..
    Artis Standard

  3. I loved this post!!!! I am so thankful that you are doing well....keep getting stronger every day!
