Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday, 12:30 pm

John is still struggling, but in the last hour we have seen just the slightest hint at an ease in breathing. The doctor said that it is the first good sign he has seen in 3 days, so we are thankful for anything at this point. It's nothing even measurable yet, and certainly doesn't mean he has turned a corner, but right now we'll take an hour of doing better. His heart is still in atrial fibrillation, but at this time that is not as much concern for them as his breathing. I did get him to eat a small container of applesauce and he has had a few sips to drink so hopefully that will help. It's quite a production with the breathing mask, but I've figured it out. He doesn't really want the nurse to help so I'm glad that I can be there to do it. We will try some other food soon, like pudding. It's just really hard to eat anything when he is struggling so hard to breathe, and it is critical that he doesn't inhale anything into his lungs. We have seen doctors all day so far, and honestly I've lost track of all of them. Pulmonologists, infectious disease doctors, every cardiac doctor at Duke it seems like, and a whole supporting cast of nutritionists, xray, speech, and who knows who else.

I am sure that all of the prayers have helped, and I'll try to slip out of the room later to post an update. Thanks again, from both of us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thrilled that John is showing any improvement in his breathing. I can imagine it is a juggling act to help him eat while working with the oxygen mask, but it sounds like he does best with you are his nurse, Missy! I'll continue my prayers today for God to ease his breathing difficulties. Hang in there and stay tough! Love, Jo Ellen
