Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday, 5:30 am

John had an uneventful night, which is good. I talked to his nurse and his oxygen saturation levels had come up a little, which was very good. When I left him at the end of visiting hours last night he was struggling to keep it at 90. Hopefully he will continue to improve in that area today. Nobody will work harder to get better than he will, as those of you who know him will agree. It's just hard for him to fight off things after they have to drop his immune system so low in order to prevent rejection of the heart. I can see him again beginning at 9 am, so I'll update sometime this morning. Thanks!


  1. What an incredible time this is for you, John, and your family! I love your comments on developing new equipment. I know you all are in a good place, and they will help John kick this pneumonia. We all know he will do his part. You both are such an inspiration with your positive outlook. Thanks and Prayers..
    Shelly Barber

  2. Hi, Missy and John! What a blessing to hear that he had a better night last night. His compromised immune system WILL fight off the pneumonia. It may just take a little longer than it would in most people. I hope he can get up a good bit today. Missy, I hope you're getting some rest, too. My prayers today will focus on eradicating the bacteria from his lungs so he can move on with his recouperation. Lots of love, Jo Ellen
