Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, 11:30 am

Just got to see John and he is doing great! They removed him from the ventilator and they have adjusted some of his medicines and all is going in the right direction. He was able to talk to me a little bit, and smiled and it was wonderful. He is still very uncomfortable from the vent tube, but that will get better. They are even going to try to get him up and walking today. Zach, Josh and Tad got to see him too for a few minutes and I'm sure that was good for John. All of this is such good news. He is still pretty groggy but his nurse said he is doing absolutely wonderful and they are thrilled with his progress. They are planning to put in a new picc line (they took out his old one) so they can take the catheter out of his neck. Once all of those things are done he will be able to move to what they call a step-down room, which is out of the ICU and where I can see him more. It did me a world of good to see him and be able to hold his hand, I can tell you that.

Thanks once more for the prayers and love.


  1. Hey guys!
    I am sooo glad he is progressing so well! I don't remember much about coming out of surgery, but I do remember that horrible tube!! I swore to the docs I had tonsilitis or something because it hurt soooo much!!! I'll say an extra prayer for him today that it comes out soon!!
    Lisa Worthington

  2. Hi Missy!

    Rick just emailed me about the heart transplant - and I wanted to let you know how happy I am for you both.

    I've also had the horrible tube before!! so i hope it comes out soon too!!

    My thoughts are with you both.


  3. Missy,
    I put John on the prayer list at church. We are all praying and excited to hear such a good report.

  4. Missy,
    The whole Sealy family has you in our prayers! I am so happy to hear how great he is progressing! He motivates me to get out there and run.....he is proof that it pays off!
