Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday, 6:10 pm

John had a pretty good day, he sat up in the chair for about 7 hours which is great. He's awfully weak so I'm not sure how walking will go tomorrow. We'll see. It will probably be just standing, or maybe a step or two. They are looking for a set of bike pedals that he can use while he is in the chair. His back is hurting pretty bad from being in the bed for so long, but I think in some ways it is a good sign that he is aware enough to be hurting. His breathing was a little better today, and they turned down his oxygen from 60% to 55%. That doesn't sound like much, but it's going to take tiny increments to get him well. They really want to get him off that much oxygen, but right now it's not an option.

Hope all of you had a good weekend, I have to say that ours was good. John's sister Beth and her husband Sean came up here this weekend so it was nice to see them, and I was able to go to the hotel and do laundry and get a shower. One of these days we'll get home.


  1. It sounds like it was a great day for everyone! I know John was glad to get out of the bed for a while. He's right...that really can make your back hurt! I'm also glad to hear visitors were there, and the oxygen news sounds good, too! Sending you prayers and hugs, Jo Ellen

  2. We are so excited in the youth group. John, you rock! We are praying for y'all. Feel better soon Mr. john!
