Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday, 12:15

John has had a busy morning - already they did the swallow study and found that he is doing fine so he can have something to drink and eat (just applesauce and jello, but that's ok), he's gone for a walk, and the respiratory folks and doctors have been in. They have determined that he has pneumonia and that it is bacterial, so they are continuing the antibiotics for that. He is still struggling a lot to breathe. Walking helped a little, so they will do that several more times today. He is back on the BiPAP today since his oxygen sats were not where they wanted them today, but that is helping him. He says it is still uncomfortable and each breath is hard, but he continues to work at it. Good things are that his heart is doing well and everything else is doing well. They turned down the pacemaker on his heart and the underlying rhythm was doing better so that is good news. They turned it back up again so there is as little stress to his system as possible to allow him to try to get over the pneumonia. It's a big deal, and certainly a setback, but so far a manageable one. All we can do is keep him walking, keep him doing the deep breathing and coughing exercises, and keep up the prayers. It takes almost 15 minutes to get him ready for a walk, so that is a big production in and of itself. He's able to talk just a little since that is hard to do.

Thanks again, and again, and again!


  1. You're never far from my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Well, I'm a little bummed to hear about the pneumonia, but relieved to hear that it's bacterial so it's COMPLETELY treatable. I'm happy to hear that he's been up and doing his coughing exercises. Moving is the best thing for his lungs, besides the drugs of course, and I know it's a huge ordeal for him to move around. I know the medication will kick in and he'll be breathing easier soon! Lots of love, Jo Ellen

  3. Randy, Lisa, and HannahNovember 7, 2009 at 2:17 PM

    Just checking in and it is good to hear that they have you on track for recovery. Hang in there John we are Praying for you and your Family and God hears these Prayers.

    His Love and ours,
    Randy, Lisa, and Hannah

  4. Hey ya'll. I'm glad to hear John's walking more. And at least knowing pneumonia is the problem makes it easier to fix I guess. I have to share this little story. when I went to bed last night, I told Eric there was no way I would do the Deer Dash this morning, I was sleeping in. Well, the good Lord had a different plan. I was wide awake at 6:30 and as plain as day, the Lord said, "If John can walk after his week, you can too." So I got up and went. I confess I made no land-speed records and considered taking a short cut do miss the Persons Street Hill, but I stuck it out and kept thinking about and praying for ya'll. The last time I did it was with you two. Can't wait until ya'll can do it again!
