Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday, 10:00 am

They just took John down to radiology to do the feeding tube. The good thing is that it is not going to have to be done surgically, they are going to try the one that goes into his nose and down into his stomach. The physical therapy folks came by early this morning and tried to get him to sit up again, and at least his blood pressure stayed okay but he got very nauseous so I told them that we would do that again later. Last thing he needed was to get sick to his stomach now. I think that after he can get some nutrients into his system he will feel better. His breathing is about the same, and the doctor is pretty happy if it doesn't get worse at this point. In fact, if all goes well with the feeding tube they are considering moving him to a step down room on the third floor this afternoon. They aren't really doing anything for him in ICU now that they can't do better on the floor that is dedicated to recovery from transplants and other intense things like that, so they can focus on getting him up and walking. I think that will be a good move, if he stays feeling okay this afternoon after he gets food into his stomach. At least he did get some sleep last night, and feels about the same today as yesterday.

Thanks, and I'll let you know how it is going later today.


  1. You and John are going to be able to write a wonderful book on the modern day miracles of God, Doctors and medicine. We are thankful John has such a good team. John is already a champion, but he has a few more games to win! With you as his cheerleader he can't loose! No, I have not been watching football. You know me better than that! Prayers and hugs for you both, Suzette

  2. Missy and John-I hope the feeding tube placement went well. I'm also encouraged that he may be moving rooms. A change of scenery will probably do you both good at this point, and I think Missy is doing great at the nursing anyway!!! I hope the next day or two will make John stronger as he gets the nutrients he needs! Prayers as always continue!!!
