Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, 10:45 am

Just got to see John for a little while. His neck hurts a lot, probably from the tube being in his throat and the positioning. They had given him Tylenol and had a hot pack on his neck so maybe that will help. He's already been in the chair for many hours sitting up so he was tired, but when I left they were going to pull out his chest tube and take out some of the lines in his neck. They also gave us a room assignment in a step-down room, but since he hasn't walked yet (that was on their list after pulling his tubes) we're not sure when he will get moved. We are hopeful that moving around more will have him feeling better.

I'll keep you updated. All of the news is still good, and he is making tremendous progress but still has a lot to do before he feels a whole lot better. He did eat some chicken broth this morning that he said was awful, and drank some juice so that is good. Keep the prayers going!


  1. I'm so glad that he's doing so well. It's just like you and he had hoped!!!! Of course he feels a little lousy-look what he's been through. But, he really is just moving on with great strides it sounds like! I'm so thankful to God for John's gift. He is so worthy of a new lease on life. Hugs to both of you!!! Jo Ellen

  2. To the WORLD'S BEST WIFE/NURSE: Again I thank God for blessing you and John with each other. Who would have dreamed that all your studies and knowledge of science and biology would come to play in this way. If you need any of those gingerbread pattern pieces back to brush up on the "systems", just let me know. I'm sure they still have valuable information on them. John's baby steps are making us all jump for joy and thanksgiving! Love, Suzette
