Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday, 6:15 am

Not much word on John yet, I talked to the nurse and they did put him back on the BiPAP machine for overnight to help him with the breathing, rather than the regular oxygen. He was just having to work too hard and needed a bit of a break. But at least they haven't had to put him back on a ventilator which is very good. I know he was sleeping when I spoke to her, so that is good too. I'll let you know more later.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, no vent is definitely good news!!! You seem to have a calming effect on him when you're in the room. Hopefully, as you're allowed to have more and more time in the room, that will only benefit him. I'm glad to hear he's eating a few bites, and we all know there's nothing better than Coke! Hugs,
    Jo Ellen
