Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday, 10:15 pm

John's day went pretty good, all things considered. He actually walked 3 different times which is amazing, and you can see his picture (thanks to Nicole for posting it and Zach for taking it!). Right now the breathing is only slightly better, but it is better. Doctors are still out on whether it is due to aspiration or due to pneumonia. They are treating him with both antibiotics in case the pneumonia is bacterial, and with antifungals in case the pneumonia is fungal. They were supposed to do a swallow study today, but the speech folks said they can't do it with him on such a high level of oxygen, so we're not sure when that will happen. I did discuss with the doctor my concern over the fact that he is so thirsty from the oxygen masks but can't drink anything, and there's not really a good answer for that except for swishing water around and spitting it out. So we will see what comes of that. The bad part is that he can't have anything to eat or drink until the issue gets resolved.

He is back on the BiPap machine tonight which is hard for him. He really hasn't had any sleep in quite a while and is getting even more exhausted but he is doing as well as can be expected. Maybe this weekend he will experience an ease to his breathing and will get to feeling better. He is really having to struggle for each breath, even when he is on the oxygen, so I hope he gets better soon from that.

They did pull the chest tube and his incisions are all looking good with no infections so that is good. Each day he has a tube or wire fewer than the day before so that is progress too! Keep the prayers coming, and thanks again.

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