Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday afternoon, Nov 3

John is still doing well. They have taken him completely off of the nitric gas, which is a big step, and he is holding his own. The next step will be to remove the breathing tube and I am not sure if they will try that tonight or tomorrow. After that they will start weaning him off of the epinephrine (I think, I'm awfully tired so this might be a bit muddled), then off of the pacemaker that is right now working the new heart. They gave him a big dose of anti-rejection medicine so they will continue with that in a few days. They are also giving him a few units of blood since he seems to be bleeding a small amount in his chest, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

John's sons Josh and Zach came up today, along with his brother Tad from Chicago. Beth Wilson came over from Raleigh last night and stayed with me during and after the surgery. Thanks to all of these folks for coming, and thanks for the rest of you who stayed home to cover things there.

More tomorrow. Thanks again for prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you were not alone, I was worried about that, now I am thankful! Sounds like things are moving along as they should. We will keep checking in on the blog and Nicole's facebook. Prayers still coming...
