Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday evening, Nov 3

Last post for the day, I just got to go and see him one more time. He is still under deep sedation and on the ventilator, but they are hopeful that tomorrow they can get him off of that. They did add back the milrinone, which is the "miracle juice" IV that he has been on for the last year. The new heart seems to like it too, as it has improved some of his numbers. The goal is to get him off the vent and off of the epinephrine tomorrow as both of those are hard on the body. The new heart is being paced with an pacemaker, and they will also gradually see if it is able to beat on its own over the next few days.

Overall he is doing about "average" for lack of a better way to describe it. It really is a miracle that he got the heart when he did, so we are thankful for that and certainly hopeful for the prognosis.

On a lighter note, he did make me laugh yesterday. He had just gotten his breakfast and started eating it yesterday morning when we found out that a heart might be available so he had to stop eating and drinking. All that he had time to do was drink some prune juice which he describes as "wretched" before the doctor came in. John said it really wouldn't be fair if this transplant thing didn't go well and the last thing he drank on this earth was prune juice. Actually he thought that it would be just like our God to have a sense of humor like that.

We will keep you posted on developments. I am sleeping here at the hospital, I'm just not really comfortable leaving here although I can't do anything and he isn't aware that I am here, but it makes me feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes peace of mind is better than sleep. We are still praying for you both.

    I can't figure out how to post as a person, so...It's Suzanne...not anonymous
