Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday, 3:45 pm

John is having a bit of a bad day, which is not unexpected but is certainly not what we want to hear (or I want to report). They had him sitting up in the chair for the morning, but he hasn't been feeling any better. His oxygen saturation levels, that measure the amount of oxygen in his bloodstream, have been dropping. They did a few xrays, then ended up putting a scope down into his lungs to see if they could see some kind of blockage or plug but didn't find anything. Not a fun procedure. They have increased his oxygen level that they are giving him and changed over to a mask rather than the nasal canula that just puts it to your nose, and that has helped a little bit. We are waiting to hear back what the next plan will be to get more oxygen into him, and what is causing it to be so hard for him to breathe. It could be the start of an infection, although he isn't running a fever, or it could be fluid that is pooling in his chest. He already has a chest tube in to drain that away, but it could be that the placement of the tube isn't getting into a pocket of fluid. So he will be in ICU a bit longer, and hasn't really been able to walk around yet.

We will let you know what they say. Keep up the prayers.


1 comment:

  1. Missy-I know this is not exactly what you want to see happening, but I do feel confidant that they will solve it quickly.  It makes sense to me about the fluid retention in his chest causing the difficulty.  I remember when I had my lung surgery and had the chest tube in for a couple of days, the fluid was the issue of concern.  I'm sorry John had to endure another procedure, but I'm so glad that they're keeping such close tabs on him!  You hang in there and stay tough!!! He WILL get through this!  Hugs, hugs, hugs....Jo Ellen
