Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving day! We had a good one, and we certainly have plenty to be thankful for. We want to thank all of you, especially, for your love and prayers over this last year or so. We want to thank the donor family who made such a life-changing decision for us in the midst of their own tragedy. We want to thank our families for their patience and understanding over the last year when we couldn't be there for family events and celebrations, and we look forward to getting back to those. Of course we thank God every day for answering those prayers in a way that made sense to us, and we pray for continued healing for John and good health for all. The chain of events that led to the transplant are amazing - if we hadn't gotten the call for the first heart that didn't work out they wouldn't have done the bloodwork that kept John in the hospital and they wouldn't have done the Swann catheter that put him at 1A status to get the heart that he did. And without that heart we likely wouldn't be having the same kind of Thanksgiving that we are today. So we have much to be thankful for and hope to keep that in the forefront of our thoughts as we continue into this holiday season.
Love, Missy and John


  1. Randy, Lisa, and HannahNovember 28, 2009 at 10:33 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving John and Missy We are so glad to here how well you are doing.Yes we all have reasons to be Thankful For. Today Lisa has had her Transplant for 12 years and we are so Thankful. I Hope and Pray that we are Thanking God for Your Transplant in 12 years. I Know we will!!! That is amazing that you walked a Mile- Yea! Keep it up.
    Love you Guys,
    Randy, Lisa, and Hannah

  2. Missy and John-What a wonderful Thanksgiving you had, and I am so glad to hear it. The walk and visit to the farmer's market sounds like just the thing and gets you closer and closer to resuming your normal activities and interests. Try not to worry about any early rejection....lots of people experience that, and adjusting medication takes care of it. Things do work out in a way that definitely is in God's plan....the hard part is being patient and waiting for the plan to work itself out. We will all continue to pray for you and the new heart! Lots of love, Jo Ellen

  3. You were both definitely part of the Hutchins family Thanksgiving prayers this year. We are so lucky to know you. You are both a blessing to us, so we are Thankful for the transplant, but we are also so very thankful for you.

    Mike, Amy and Garrett
