Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday, 9:30 am

I just got to see John for a few minutes. He is still on the ventilator and they are keeping him heavily sedated. He did start to wake up a bit and they sedated him again. They are keeping him on some of the meds longer than they sometimes do, but it is not unusual for him to still have the breathing tube. The new heart seems to be working well, but they are watching some of his numbers very carefully. Not concerned exactly, but cautious. At this time they are not planning to wake him up today, but to keep him sedated. His new heart just needs some time to adjust and they really want him to have time for his system to handle it. They are gradually weaning him off of the breathing gases and that seems to be going well, if a bit slower than average. The big thing with transplant patients is that there is no "normal" and everyone is different, so times for how long things normally take are very wide ranging.

Keep the prayers going, he has a long way to go and we appreciate all of the support. I'll try to update this as often as we have news and changes.

Love, Missy

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