Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday, 7:15 am

Good morning, all. They moved John out of ICU yesterday evening and into a step down room! The doctors felt that they weren't able to do anything in ICU for him that they couldn't do in a step down room, and the change would do him good. He slept pretty well last night, and it was nice to have a door on the room (the ICU has big glass doors and a curtain but they leave them open to monitor the patients). John was very tired last night but we hope to try again today to get him at least into a chair and possibly walking a few steps. His breathing is about the same, so we will see how that goes. The tube placement went well and he has been receiving nutrients starting yesterday around noon and all night long. We are hoping that will help.

He is impatient at his slow progress, but at least it is progress. We will see how today goes, and we all know that nobody will work harder than John at getting better.

Prayers are certainly answered, thanks for all of them.

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