Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday, 7:15 am

Good morning, all. John had a good night, which is great news. I was able to stay in there and see his main doctor this morning when he came around. He said that things are moving in the right direction which he is pretty excited about, as are we. The heart biopsy looked great, no rejection issues, so that is wonderful news. They are weaning him off of the last continuous IV medicine, even though he will continue getting some medicines via his IV lines and the rest in pills. His breathing was okay overnight, I think it will take some time for him to get a lot better but any increase in the oxygen in his bloodstream at this point is really good. He was on the BiPAP machine overnight but they are getting ready to switch it to an oxygen mask for the day. He is still needing very large concentrations of oxygen but that will continue for a while. We hope to at least be able to get him to sit in a chair today, I'm not sure if walking around is an option yet. They are still concerned about his nutritional levels, so today we are concentrating on getting more food into him. You can only do so much pudding, though. He felt pretty good after the little he ate yesterday so I hope that will stimulate his appetite a bit today.

So today's plan is to breathe and eat, and maybe move around a bit. Sounds like a pretty appealing Sunday afternoon to most of us for that to be the goal for our day, doesn't it? I guess the big difference is how hard John is having to work to do those things, and how much he would rather be out running or working in the garden or a myriad of other things that will be available to him in the near future. Thanks again for the prayers, we couldn't do it without all of the support.

Love, Missy


  1. Yea, Yea, Yea! It's so great to read that John had a good night and that his doctor is so encouraged. I'm thrilled to hear the heart is looking great, I know that was good news for both of you to hear. I hope today will be even better, with more and better food, and easier breathing! Love, Jo Ellen

  2. I go to bed every night and take deep easy breaths and think, God please send my deep and healing breaths to John. I do my little micky mouse run 3 days a week, maybe two miles, and the last 1/4 mile is a slow uphill grade and I am sucking air and thinking I have to stop, and I am trying to talk myself out of stopping and then I think about John and how this was NOTHING to him a year ago! I feel lucky to be struggling to suck in air at my own volition! I keep going and feel my strength and pray for his. Such an irony, John's biggest problem is the very thing that probably kept him healthy for so long.How we take it all for granted.
    Keep going !!
    All my love, Connie
