Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday, 9:00 am

Some of the doctors just came in and they are of course very concerned. John's numbers are about the same, but we are now seeing some heart issues. They may have been caused by the heart catheterization they did yesterday so they are looking into that. At least the results of the heart cath were good. They were not able to do the chest CT since he couldn't breathe while lying flat, so I'm not sure if they are going to do that today. They don't really expect it to show anything different. We should hear about the biopsy results later today. They are really thinking that the lung issues might have been due to him aspirating something around the surgery time, but they honestly don't know. There is still no real sign of infection, but his breathing is still very bad. He has been on the BiPAP machine which completely dries out his mouth and throat and is very uncomfortable, but they don't want him to have much by mouth. He is getting very low in protein and nutrients, but they can't really do a tube in his nose to feed him when he needs so much oxygen. So they are looking at some options. They don't want to do a surgically placed feeding tube at this time, but it is an option. I was able to give him a few ice chips which helped a little. They let me stay in there with him all night which was good for both of us, and he did get some decent sleep for the first time in a long time. Not great, but at least it was some.

We really need those prayers at this time, so keep them coming. Thanks again to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sending prayers right now. I know God is listening and is working through the doctors to solve this breathing problem. I'm glad to hear you were allowed to sleep with him. The heart cath is stressful on a healthy person. I can imagine that it was a lot for John to have that done! We will all continue to pray for strength and healing. Hugs, Jo Ellen
