Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, 8:20 pm

John has had another good day, I think he ended up walking 4 or 5 times. He's up to 3 or 4 laps at a time around the floor without taking a break so that is good. He still struggles with getting up from a sitting position since he can't use his arms at all (since they cut his sternum he can't push or pull, and can't lift more than 5 pounds for 2-3 months). We met with the transplant coordinator today and he talked about some things to deal with when we get home, and tomorrow we meet with the pharmacist who will give us lots of information about the extensive medicines he will be on when we get home. The regimen is rather rigid, but that won't be a problem for us since John is pretty self disciplined. There are quite a few changes that we will have to make, but the trade off is worth it. Lots of precautions, especially at first, like wearing a mask when out in public.

They have increased the amount flowing through his tube feeding for the night, and plan to turn it off during the day. John really wants it out, but we negotiated to check some of his blood levels tomorrow and then make a determination.

I hope we have more good news to report tomorrow!


  1. Wonderful news! John is remarkable! I see the word "HOME" in your vocabulary now and know it feels good to know you are going to be there soon! My Mom sends her love too! Suzette

  2. As is her daily custom, my Mom asked how John
    was doing and when I gave her the news of
    improvement, she said "I'm going to call him
    Super Man because that is what he is!" We are
    so thrilled to hear the good reports!

    Love to you both!
    Vickie and Mom Bertha
