Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday, 6:05 pm

Just a quick update. No big changes, he's probably about the same as yesterday. Dr. Milano, the surgeon, seems a bit offended that this could happen to one of his patients. If John weren't so sick it would be funny. He is a gifted surgeon, but doesn't exactly exude personality (most surgeons aren't known for their bedside manner, and I'll take the good hands part). They just took John down to do a CT scan of his chest to see if they can figure out what is going on, so we hope he can lay flat for long enough to finish the test. Breathing that way is very hard for him to do. They still really don't know why he can't breathe very well. I have asked for a case manager since we now have so many doctors who are involved, and we sometimes get conflicting info. One doctor says drink as much as you can, one says take small sips and limit intake, etc. They are all looking at their individual parts and we want to make sure that the overall picture is considered. Luckily we are at least a little savvy about it and consider all of it together. We have met with nutritionists today and gotten some protein supplements for him. What we are trying to avoid is the feeding tube that goes in his nose and goes down into his stomach, but they aren't sure if he can get enough nutrients to keep up his strength and healing.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like progress is being made. Baby steps are fine, too!!! I'm glad that the surgeon is tenacious and wants to get to the bottom of this. It sounds as if you, Missy, have everything organized and on the ball. I'm not surprised, of course!!! My prayers today will be for a final solution to the breathing issue and EXTRA peace for the both of you! Love, JoEllen
